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Lihe Group held a training meeting on the rule of law in petition work 2024-07-05

为深入学习贯彻习近平法治思想,贯彻落实习近平总书记关于信访工作的重要指示批示和视察天津重要讲话精神,Enhance the ability of leading officials to use the rule of law thinking and methods to do well in the new era of petition work,近日,Lihe Group held a training meeting on the rule of law in petition work。

Members of the group's leading team, members of the leading team of each affiliated enterprise, and all mid-level cadres of the functional departments of the Group headquarters participated in the training。The training session focused on "What is the legalization of petition work, how to do the legalization of petition work well and the principles to grasp"。The teaching is profound, rich in connotation, realistic and practical, profound and simple,Established theoretical altitude,Another vivid case,It has strong pertinence, guidance and operability,It puts forward clear requirements for legalization of petition work,The method path is specified,It has a strong guiding significance for further improving the legal level of the group system's petition work。

The meeting required that all units of the group should organize communication and learning, deeply understand the content of the lecture, and implement the work in combination with the actual work of the unit and the department。It is necessary to adhere to the problem-oriented, use the rule of law thinking to resolve the problems of letters and visits, and truly realize the rule of law to resolve contradictions and disputes in letters and visits work。It is necessary to adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, learn and practice the "Pujiang experience", strengthen responsibility, do a good job in the basic business work of petitions, improve the "one case and one volume" related work, continue to promote the Group's petition work under the rule of law, and create a sustainable and stable environment for the group's high-quality development。

Office of Letters and visits

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