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Safe production

Lihe Group safety production training class everyone talks about safety, everyone will respond to emergencies 2023-06-21

今年6Month is #22National "Safety Production Month"。为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于Safe production重要论述和重要指示批示精神,扎实开展“Safe production月”活动,616Based on the theme of "Everyone speaks safety, everyone will respond to emergencies", Lihe Group held a safety production lecture hall training course, through the training to further improve the group's management awareness of safety, establish a firm concept of safe development, and implement the responsibility of safety production.Do a good job for the group's high-quality developmentSafety guarantee。Group leadership, group related departments, affiliated unitsThe main person in charge and the head of the security and technology department are in total30Yu attended the training。

The training course invited national security training experts to teach。Focused on the "Production safety Law", "Safety Law and Hidden dangers" and major accident hidden danger criteria and other related business knowledge were systematically explained and in-depth analysis, and further enhance safety awareness, do a good job of safety prevention, improve safety measures and other content of training。

In the next step, the Group will continue to increase the intensity of safety inspections, deepen the work of safety publicity and education, adhere to the safety bottom line, implement safety responsibilities, improve safety skills, popularize safety knowledge, and comprehensively improve the overall level of the Group's system safety production management。

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