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Responsibilities of discipline inspection and supervision 2019-03-06

Discipline inspection and supervision work responsibilities


(1) To safeguard the Constitution of the Party and other rules and regulations within the Party;

(2) To examine the implementation of the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions;

(3) Assisting Party committees in strengthening the building of Party ethics and organizing and coordinating anti-corruption work;

(4) Regularly educate Party members on the observance of discipline and make decisions on safeguarding Party discipline;

(5) To supervise the exercise of power by Party members and leading cadres;

(6) To examine and handle cases involving violations of the Party Constitution and rules by Party organizations and Party members, and to decide or cancel sanctions against Party members in such cases;

(7) To accept complaints and appeals from Party members;

(8) To safeguard the rights of Party members;

(9) Complete the relevant work assigned by the superior discipline inspection department and the Party Committee of the Group。

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