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Provisions of Lihe Group on implementing the responsibility system for the construction of Party conduct and clean government 2018-12-26

Chapter I General provisions
       Article 1 In order to strengthen the construction of Party conduct and clean government,Clarify the responsibilities of Party and government leading bodies and cadres for the construction of Party conduct and clean government,To ensure the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on building Party conduct and clean government,Uphold the overall interests of reform, development and stability,In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Constitution of the Communist Party of China,Make this provision。
       第二条 实行党风廉政建设责任制,要以邓小平理论为指导,坚持Both hands must be hardWe will implement a series of instructions of the Party Central Committee and The State Council on the construction of Party conduct and clean government and the fight against corruption。
       Article 3 To implement the responsibility system for the construction of Party style and clean government, it is necessary to adhere to the unified leadership of the Party committee, the Party and government work together, the discipline inspection commission organizes and coordinates, the departments assume their responsibilities, and rely on the support and participation of the masses。It is necessary to take the building of Party conduct and clean government as an important part of party and political power construction, incorporate it into the target management of party and government leading bodies and leading cadres, and closely integrate it with economic construction, spiritual civilization construction and other business work, deploy it together, implement it together, check it together, and assess it together。 
       Article 4 To implement the responsibility system for building Party conduct and clean government, we must adhere to strict governance of the Party and government;Based on education, focus on prevention;The combination of collective leadership and individual division of labor;Who is in charge and who is responsible;Work at every level and implement it at every level。
       Chapter II Responsibility content
       Article 5 The leading group of the Party Committee and the general manager's office shall assume the overall leadership responsibility for the construction of Party style and clean government within the scope of their responsibilities。
       The Party committee and the general manager's office of the leading group of the official responsibility for the construction of the party style and clean government within the scope of responsibility;Other members of the leading team shall, according to the division of work, assume direct leadership responsibility for the construction of Party conduct and clean government within the scope of their responsibilities。
       Article 6 The Party Committee, the leading group of the General manager's office, and leading cadres shall assume the following leadership responsibilities in the construction of Party conduct and clean government: 
      (1) To implement the arrangements and requirements of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on the construction of Party conduct and clean government, analyze and study the situation of Party conduct and clean government within the scope of their responsibilities, formulate work plans for the construction of Party conduct and clean government, and organize their implementation; 
      (2) Address both the symptoms and root causes, take a comprehensive approach, improve the management and supervision mechanisms, and prevent and control corruption at its source;
      (4) To carry out and implement the Party and state rules and regulations on Party conduct and clean government, formulate the rules and regulations on Party conduct and clean government of the region, department, system and industry in light of the actual situation, and organize their implementation; 
      (5) To perform supervision duties, supervise, inspect and assess the construction of Party conduct and clean government in the regions, departments, systems and industries under their jurisdiction, and the integrity of leading groups and leading cadres in politics;  
      (6) to select and appoint cadres in strict accordance with regulations, and to prevent and correct improper practices in employment; 
      (7) To lead, organize and support law enforcement agencies in performing their duties according to law。Chapter Three responsibility assessment
Article 7 The Party committee and the General Economic Office shall be responsible for leading and organizing the assessment of the implementation of the responsibility system for building Party style and clean government among the Party and government leading groups at the next level and leading cadres。The assessment work should be combined with the assessment of the leading group and cadres, the assessment of the work goal, the annual assessment, etc., and the special assessment can be organized when necessary。The problems found in the assessment should be studied and solved in time。
Party committees at all levels shall include the implementation of the responsibility system for the construction of Party style and clean government in the annual summary or work report and report to the Party committee and commission for discipline Inspection at the higher level。
Article 8 The implementation and assessment of the responsibility system for the construction of Party conduct and clean government should be combined with democratic evaluation and democratic evaluation of leading cadres, and the opinions of the masses inside and outside the Party should be widely heard。
Article 9 The assessment results of the implementation of the responsibility system for the construction of Party conduct and clean government shall serve as an important basis for the performance evaluation, reward and punishment of leading cadres, selection and appointment。 
Article 10 The implementation of the responsibility system for the construction of Party conduct and clean government by leading cadres shall be listed as an important content of the democratic life and work report。 
Article 11 The discipline inspection and supervision organs shall be responsible for supervision and inspection of the implementation of the responsibility system for building a clean government。
Chapter IV responsibility investigation
Article 12 Leading cadres who violate Article 6 of these Provisions and have any of the following circumstances shall be given organizational or party disciplinary sanctions:  
(1) Failing to stop, investigate and deal with illegal practices that are expressly prohibited within its direct jurisdiction,Or refuse to handle matters within the scope of responsibility for Party conduct and clean government assigned by a higher leading organ,Or conceal, suppress and fail to investigate serious violations of laws and disciplines,The person in charge who is responsible for direct leadership shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning,serious,The party shall be given the punishment of dismissal from party posts。  
(2) Where a major case occurs within the scope of direct jurisdiction, resulting in heavy losses or adverse effects on the State, collective assets and the lives and property of the people, the person in charge with direct leadership responsibility shall be ordered to resign or be removed from office。 
(3) Selecting and appointing cadres in violation of the Interim Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres,Causing bad effects,The person in charge who is responsible for direct leadership shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning,serious,The party shall be given a punishment of removal from party posts;Promoting or appointing a person who has obviously committed violations of law or discipline,They shall be given a serious warning, removed from their party posts or placed under probation,serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。  
(4) instructing, instigating or forcing subordinates to violate laws and regulations on finance, finance, taxation, auditing and statistics,Deceitful,The person in charge who is responsible for direct leadership shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning,More serious circumstances,The party shall be given the punishment of dismissal from party posts,serious,They shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

      (5) instructing, instigating, or conniving with subordinates to obstruct, interfere with, or resist supervision and inspection or case investigation,Or retaliate against the person handling the case, the complainant or the witness,The person in charge who has direct leadership responsibility shall be given a serious warning or be removed from his post within the Party,serious,They shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。 
(6) If the spouse, children, or staff around him or her seriously violate the law or discipline, order him or her to resign or remove him or her from office;Those who cover up or connive with them shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party; those whose circumstances are serious shall be given the sanction of being placed on probation or expelled from the Party。
Other acts in violation of Article 6 of these Provisions, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given criticism and education or ordered to make inspection; if the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given corresponding organizational treatment or Party disciplinary sanctions。 
Under any of the above circumstances, it is necessary to investigate the responsibility for government discipline, and the corresponding administrative sanctions shall be imposed in accordance with the Party discipline sanctions given;Those suspected of committing crimes shall be transferred to judicial organs for investigation of criminal responsibility。 
13th implementation of responsibility, to seek truth from facts, distinguish between collective responsibility and individual responsibility, the main leadership responsibility and important leadership responsibility。
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
Article 14 These provisions shall apply to Party committees at all levels, companies directly under Lihe Group, and district and county companies。  
 Article 15 The Group Discipline Inspection Commission shall be responsible for the interpretation of these provisions。
Article 16 These provisions shall come into force as of the date of promulgation。


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